Humphrey Kariuki releases 10 Mountain Bongo into the wild

Bringing back the Mountain Bongo with Mount Kenya Wildlife Conservancy

In the face of climate change, deforestation, and poaching, Kenya’s rich biodiversity remains under threat. Yet, efforts to protect and conserve the country’s natural resources continue to play a crucial role in securing a sustainable future. Humphrey Kariuki, a notable figure in Kenyan conservation, is making significant strides in these efforts, particularly with his work at the Mount Kenya Wildlife Conservancy (MKWC).

Kenya’s Commitment to Conservation

Africa’s unique biodiversity is an invaluable resource requiring diligent protection. Kenya, with its diverse ecosystems, stands out as a leader in conservation. From the Mara’s savannas to Mount Kenya’s rainforests, the country supports a stunning array of flora and fauna.

Humphrey Kariuki’s Role in Conservation

Humphrey Kariuki, deeply involved with MKWC for over a decade, is committed to reintroducing the critically endangered Mountain Bongo to its natural habitat. His dedication is rooted in his upbringing in the Mount Kenya region, where he learned the value of traditional African conservation practices.

The Mountain Bongo: A Symbol of Kenya’s Wildlife

Once a common sight in Mount Kenya’s wilderness, the Mountain Bongo faced near extinction due to habitat destruction, disease, and poaching. Recognizing the urgency, 36 bongos were sent to North American zoos in the 1960s to preserve the species.

The Birth of the Mountain Bongo Breeding Program

In 2004, MKWC was established as a non-profit trust in Kenya, with a primary focus on the Mountain Bongo Breeding and Rewilding Program. This marked the beginning of efforts to repatriate the species, starting with 18 bongos brought back from North American zoos.

Enhancing the Breeding and Rewilding Efforts

Since 2014, the program has evolved, emphasizing rewilding. The Conservation Education Program was introduced to support MKWC’s efforts, educating the community about conservation and tree planting.

Government Support and Expansion of Conservation Efforts

In 2019, the Kenyan government launched the Bongo Recovery Program at the Conservancy. Further support came with the Kenya Forest Service granting 776 acres for a Mountain Bongo Sanctuary, aiming for a population of 750 bongos in 50 years. In 2022, the Mawingu Mountain Bongo Sanctuary was opened, the first of its kind worldwide, releasing ten bongos and welcoming three calves in its inaugural year.

Community Involvement and Education

Humphrey Kariuki emphasizes the importance of community-based conservation. Working with local communities around MKWC and implementing educational programs for school children, he fosters a culture of conservation and environmental stewardship.

Challenges and the Path Forward

Despite challenges like climate change, deforestation, and poaching, efforts to protect Kenya’s natural resources remain vital. As a local investor, Humphrey Kariuki is dedicated to creating sustainable paths for safeguarding Kenya’s natural heritage. His work demonstrates Kenya’s commitment to environmental stewardship and the preservation of its natural wonders for future generations.

Humphrey Kariuki’s dedication to conservation through the Mount Kenya Wildlife Conservancy is a testament to the importance of protecting Kenya’s natural heritage. By valuing and safeguarding these resources, Kenya showcases its commitment to responsible environmental stewardship, ensuring the preservation of its wonders for generations to come.


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